NANORIGO was presented by Socieade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), one of the NANORIGO project partner which was invited to the EuroNanoForum 2019 (https://www.euronanoforum2019.eu/) as NANO2ALL project Coordinator to present the NANO2ALL (http://www.nano2all.eu/) project ROADMAP: FOR A MORE INCLUSIVE NANOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE. The presentation was delivered by Dr. Olga Glumac, SPI consultant in the International Area under the Pillar 2 – NANO for People and within session 2.3 Nanotechnology for Society on June 12th in Bucharest, Romania.
Over the past decades, awareness has grown that the impact of technologies is not always predictable, and unintended or unforeseeable consequences might occur. This unpredictability is inherent in the increasing complexity of new and emerging technologies (including nanotechnology) and their development processes. Inclusive (societal engagement) approaches implemented under the terms of responsible research and innovation (RRI) can enable the identification and integration of inputs from stakeholders and the public into decision-making on research and innovation (R&I), contributing to the development of socially acceptable and desirable research and products.
NANO2ALL included diverse mapping and participatory activities (including citizen and multi-stakeholder dialogues across Europe) to explore what is required to foster the implementation of such inclusive approaches in nanotechnology development in Europe. NANO2ALL found that there are several conditions that have to be in place simultaneously in order to truly enhance societal engagement across nanotechnology R&I value chains. Outcomes from the mapping and participatory activities and the identified conditions were further explored through desk research and expert consultation. Key findings and recommended actions were developed into a roadmap. The recommended actions are to be undertaken by EU-level and national decision-makers for creating the necessary conditions for enhanced inclusiveness in nanotechnology R&I decision-making processes.
NANORIGO was presented as an example of on-going Horizon 2020 project that can be used as a platform to implement continuous societal engagement and trust building in Society as the project aims at developing and implementing a transparent, transdisciplinary and science-based Risk Governance Framework (RGF) and related Council for managing nanotechnology risks regarding social, environmental and economic benefits. The project will work closely with other two projects: RiskGONE (https://riskgone.eu/) and Gov4Nano (https://www.gov4nano.eu/).