
NANORIGO at European Researchers’ Night – ‘Making Nano Work for Us’!

Save the date and join us.

This Friday 27th November NANORIGO will feature in different events and activities in Austria and the UK.

•        In the UK on Friday at 17.30 (GMT), Scotland’s ERN Explorathon is featuring  Making Nano Work for Us – a NANORIGO video and family quiz

•        The NANORIGO video is also featuring on the Scottish Research Showcase at 13.00 (GMT) [@EU_NANORIGO]

•        In Austria, PLUS  are hosting a Citizen Science Café here
Nano Science and Health:
–        what makes SARS-CoV-2 successful?
–        viruses are biologic nanoparticles
–        what is nano and where do we find it?
–        can nano fight Covid?
–        how safe is nano and who cares?

The NANORIGO videos in English and German are available on our YouTube Channel

RiskGONE partners take part in events across the continent on European Researchers Night

On 27 November 2020, researchers across Europe will meet the public (mostly online) and showcase their work through hands-on experiments, science shows, games, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions, and digital activities. It’s the European Researchers’ Night!

RiskGONE partners are participating in some of these important events, aimed to shorten the gap between research and the general public by raising awareness on how different kinds of nanomaterials are used in daily applications and how we can manage the risks that some of them pose to the environment and human health.


Dechema LIVE Session 1 (13:00-14:00 CET)

Dechema LIVE Session 2 (18:00-19:00 CET)

Find the aganda and links:


Was ist Nanotechnologie und wo wird sie eingesetzt? Wer entscheidet, ob die Produkte sicher sind?

Nanotechnologie ermöglicht neue Produkteigenschaften und bringt neuartige Anwendungen mit sich. Verbraucher*innen finden vermehrt Nanotechnologie in unterschiedlichen Produkten wie z.B. Kosmetika oder Elektronik. Doch wie sicher sind die Produkte für Mensch und Umwelt, und wer entscheidet das? Wieviel Risiko nehmen wir in Kauf, wenn es um neue, innovative Produkte geht? Wie findet man sich zurecht im Informationsdschungel im digitalen Zeitalter? Diese Fragen erforscht das europäische Projekt “Gov4Nano”. Tauschen Sie sich mit uns aus!

Veranstaltungsformat: Workshop (teilweise in in englischer Sprache)


15:30 – 17:00 Uhr

Besonders geeignet für: Jugendliche


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NanoSAFE: NanoSafety Cluster Education Day on 16 Nov 2020

This virtual conference aims to demonstrate to the entire NanoSafety community how various research project bring together fruitful outcomes through interactive sessions with hands-on activities. It will serve as an opportune platform that allows different perspectives to meet in pro/contra discussions. For participation in the NanoSafety Cluster Education Day, please register here.

The programme and video for the event are now available.